Operation Check
is assumed to have been done.
A project file is a data file that contains the constraints of Schedule Nurse and has a .nurse3 extension.
The “schedule”, “solution” (answer), screen settings, etc. are also contained in this file.
Open Tutorial 1 by going to “File” →> “Open Project” as shown above. 
What is the difference between a project file and a software application (application)?
It is a relationship between Excel files and the application software Excel.
Excel files have been available in various versions in the past, but if you use the latest version of Excel (higher level), you can read and edit older Excel files (lower level).
We call this there is backward compatibility.
Also, you can’t do anything with just an Excel file. It can only run when the application software Excel is installed.
In the same way, Schedule Nurse is always backward-compatible, although it is upgraded to improve its functionality. Past project files are always readable and editable.
In addition, the same is true for project files alone, which do not do anything. It can be run only with the software installed.

In the store version, Windows automatically updates the software and keeps it up-to-date once installed. So you don’t have to worry about the project file version.