There are two ways to output a solution to Excel.

Method 1

Output the display image of the solution directly to Excel as shown in the figure below.

Do the following in the following order

Assume that a solution has been obtained. (The solution should be displayed.)

â–  Click on the file path and set the name of the output Excel file.
â–  Check on Enable Box and set the sheet name.
â–  “Page Type” should be “Excel Export”.
â–  Click “Set” button.
â–  Click “Output”.
â–  Save the project file so that you do not forget the above settings.

From then on, output can be directly from “solution”.

Mehod 2

Output according to the user format. Only the following two are required in the user format.

    1. List of staff names to be output
    2. List of numbers for the day portion of the month and date e.g. 1 2 3 ...

Do the following in the following order

Assume that a solution has been obtained. (The solution should be displayed.)

â–  Click on the file path and set the name of the output Excel file.
â–  Check on Enable Box and set the sheet name.
â–  “Page Type” should be “ExcelFormattedOutput”.
â–  You have options as the fig. below.

â–  Click “Set” button.
â–  Click “Output”.
â–  Save the project file so that you do not forget the above settings.

After outputting, it will look like this.

The meaning of each option is as follows

Item Content
Monochrome make monochrome
Branked Label Make the specified label blank
Mark Scheduled Inputs mark hard scheduled input in red