What is constraint description using Python3?
It is a mechanism to describe constraints in a language (Python3) instead of GUI.
Most of the constraints can be written in GUI. We recommend using GUI, if you don’t need to use Python.
Workflow without Python3
The usual description without Python3 is as follows.

The GUI description is sent to the solving engine for solving output.
Workflow using Python3

Two processes are using Python3: constraint and post-processing. These two processes are independent. You can have both or just one of them.
Cconstraint description
The description using Python3 uses the set information described in the GUI as input.
The constraints are written using Python3.
Since the input set has already been described in the GUI, constraints can be added with a minimum description.
This means that constraints can be added with add-ons. Constraints can also be easily detached using checkboxes.
The constraints can also be easily detached by using checkboxes.
Two solutions, shift, and task solutions, can be added to the Python source for post-processing.